Version at: 9/7/2020 2:23 n tmeddit

<p><a href="">Uɣal ɣer</a></p>

<h1 id="faq">Isteqsiyen i d-yettuɣalen</h1>

<h2 id="what-should-i-do-if-i-have-trouble-logging-in?">Amek ilaq ad geɣ ma ur ssawḍeɣ ara ad qqneɣ?</h2>

<p>Ԑreḍ ad tettekkiḍ ɣef "Cfu fell-i" uqbel ad teskecmeḍ isem-ik/m n useqdac d wawal-ik/m uffir. Ma tettmagareḍ-d dima uguren n tuqqna deg temhelt-a, εreḍ ad tsefḍeḍ tazarkatut d yinagan n tuqqna. Aten-a kra n yemniren :</p>

<li><a href="">Google Chrome</a></li>

<li><a href="">Mozilla Firefox</a></li>

<li><a href="">Safari</a></li>

<p>Ma mazal tesεiḍ uguren, azen-d imayl i terbaεt n Tatoeba (, ini-d acu-t yiminig-ik/m tefkeḍ-d ttfaṣil-iḍen izemren ad ilin d ixutar.</p>

<h2 id="why-are-some-translations-in-grey?">Iwacu i d-ttbinent kra n tsuqilin s uciban?</h2>

<p>Tisuqilin ticibanin d tisuqilin tirusridin. Meḥsub d tisuqilin n tsuqilin, mačči d tisuqilin n tefyirt tagejdant (tafyirt tagejdant tura s yisekkilen imeqqranen).</p>

<p>Neskan-itent-id acku zemrent ad nefεent, maca ilaq ad tḥadreḍ, zemren yinumak-nsent ad mgirden ɣef win n tefyirt tanaṣlit. </p>

<h2 id="when-a-sentence-has-several-possible-translations,">Ma tella tefyirt tezmer ad tesεu aṭas n tsuqilin, zemreɣ ad d-ssuqleɣ s tsuqilin-nni merra?</h2>

<p>Akken i k/m-yehwa kan.</p>

<p>Ma twalaḍ tella kra n tsuqilt ara yelhun ugar, d tin kan i tzemreḍ ad ternuḍ. Ma twalaḍ tif xir ma terniḍ akk tisuqilin, tzemreḍ ad ternuḍ tisuqilin akk izemren ad ilint.</p>

<p>Ma twalaḍ tisuqilin-nni yakk sεant inumak maca tεeddzeḍ ad tent-ternuḍ yal tikelt (iban akken ara tili) ihi xtir s ugacur kan, neɣ ẓer kečč/kemm anti tisuqilin i tesmenyifeḍ i tmerniwt.</p>

<p>Ur neḥwaǧ ara ad tili <em>yal</em> tafyirt tettwasuqel s <em>yal</em> talɣa izemren ad tili. Acu d axatar ɣer ɣur-neɣ, d akurpus <em>s umata-s</em> i ilaqen ad d-yejmel akk talɣiwin izemren ad ilint. </p>

<p>Amedya, yella deg teglizit wawal "you", dɣa awal-a yezmer ad yettwasuqel s waṭas iberdan deg tutlayin-iḍen. I tin usishel, ad neddem snat n talɣiwin, tin n wasuf, d tin n usget. Deg tegnit am ta, nebɣa kan ad netḥeqq belli, ma drus, tettwasuqel yiwet n tefyirt deg talɣa n wasuf u ma drus tettwasuqel yiwet n tefyirt deg talɣa n usget. Ihi ma tufiḍ yiwen ur d-yessuqel s talɣa n wasuf, tzemreḍ ad tt-id-ternuḍ (akken daɣen ma d talɣa n usget). Ma tufiḍ tella talɣa ur newwi lḥeqq-is akken ilaq zdat tayeḍ, tzemreḍ ad tesnirfeḍ talɣa-nni ixuṣṣen, akken ara yili lmizan yelhan gar-asent.</p>

<h2 id="why-do-i-not-see-all-the-translations-i-expect-to-">Iwacu ur ẓerreɣ ara tisuqilin akk i nwiɣ ad ẓreɣ?</h2>

<p>Ma tuɣ tgiḍ amazrar n yengalen n tutlayt deg iɣewwaren-ik/m, Tatoeba ur d-yeskan ala tisuqilin yellan s tutlayin i tεeyyneḍ. Eǧǧ iger d ilem ma tebɣiḍ ad d-banent tsuqilin s tutlayin akk.</p>

<h2 id="why-are-some-sentences-in-red?">Iwacu i d-ttbinent kra n tsuqilin s uzeggaɣ?</h2>

<p>Tifyar tizeggaɣin d tid ur nettwaqbel. Ad yili ur qudrent ara izerfan umeskar neɣ deg-sent aɣbel-iḍen.</p>

<p>Ur ilaq ara ad tent-tessuqleḍ.</p>

<h2 id="a-sentence-is-not-marked-with-the-right-language.-">Tella tefyirt ur necriḍ s tutlayt ilaqen. Amek zemreɣ ad tt-seggmeɣ?</h2>

<p>Ma d agrudem-nni yezwaren i tesseqdaceḍ, tekki ɣef teyqunt n tutlayt (s umata, d annay) tekki deg zelmeḍ n tefyirt tferneḍ tutlayt iwulmen deg umuɣ imebren. Ma d agrudem amaynu i tesseqdaceḍ, tekki ɣef "ẓreg" (ɣur ustilu-nni). Ma ur teẓriḍ ara ma d agrudem aqdim neɣ ajdid i tesseqdceḍ, kcem ɣer usebter-ik/m "Iɣewwaren" tmuqleḍ ma termed textirt yellan ɣer tama n uḍris "Ssken-d tifyar s ugrudem amaynu". </p>

<h2 id="how-can-i-add-tags-to-a-sentence?">Amek zemreɣ ad rnuɣ iṭagen i tefyirt?</h2>

<p>Akken ad ternuḍ iṭagen, ilaq ad tiliḍ d imtekki amusnaw.</p>

<p>&gt; <a href="">Ẓer amagrad : imtekkiyen imusnawen</a></p>

<h2 id="how-can-i-request-a-new-language?">Amek zemreɣ ad d-ssutreɣ tutlayt tamaynut?</h2>

<p>=&gt; <a href="">Ẓer amagrad : asuter n tutlayt tamaynut</a></p>

<h2 id="when-contributing-in-chinese,-should-i-use-simplif">Ma ttekkaɣ s tcinwat, ilaq-iyi ad sqedceɣ isekkilen iḥerfiyen neɣ imensayen?</h2>

<p>Tzemreḍ ad tesqedceḍ wid i k/m-yehwan. Nesεa ttawil ara yerren isekkilen iḥerfiyen d imensayen neɣ imensayen d iḥerfiyen s wudem awurman.</p>

<p>Akken ara tiliḍ tesnirimeḍ tifyar, ma tesbudaḍ tafyirt tacinwat d tin i d tagejdant, ad twaliḍ tayqunt d zzyada nnig tefyirt.</p>

<img src="" alt="traditional">imensayen</li>

<img src="" alt="simplified">iḥerfiyen</li>

<p>Ddaw yal tafyirt tacinwat, ad twaliḍ daɣen tira-s s upinyin, ma seddaw upinyin-nni d talɣa-s taḥerfit neɣ tamensayt.</p>

<p>Tzemreḍ ad tesnirmeḍ tifyar n tcinwat akken ad teẓreḍ amek i gant.</p>

<h2 id="how-do-i-delete-my-account?">Amek zemreɣ ad kkseɣ amiḍan-iw?</h2>

<p>=&gt; <a href="">Ẓer amagrad : tukksa n umiḍan</a></p>

<h2 id="does-tatoeba-provide-an-api?">Yettak-d Tatoeba agrudem i usihel - API?</h2>

<p>Uhu, ur d-yettak ara (mazal).</p>

<p>D asḥissef imi ur nesεi ara lbenyan amedda iwulmen i usizdeɣ n ugrudem usihel azayez. D acu, ɣas <a href="">rmes-d yid-neɣ</a> akken ad ɣ-d-tiniḍ ma d ayen ara k/m-iεeǧben.</p>

<p>Skud rennun-d wid i ɣ-d-yessuturen, ahat ad yili kra ara nebdu, dɣa s lferḥ ara nḥess i wugar n ttfaṣil yerzan ayen teḥwaǧeḍ i usnas/usenfaṛ-ik/m.</p>

<p>Ssya ɣer din, d acu tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ, ssader-d tifyar-nneɣ seg usebter <a href="">Isidren</a> tebnuḍ-d syin agrudem-ik/m n usihel.</p>

<h2 id="i-would-like-to-use-tatoeba's-data-for-my-project.">Bɣiɣ lemmer ad ssqedceɣ isefka n Tatoeba i usenfaṛ-iw. Amek zemreɣ ad geɣ tufkin?</h2>

<p><strong>I isefka iḍrisanen</strong></p>

<p>Deg llsas, ilaq-ak/m kan ad taruḍ anda kra belli kra seg/akk tefyar-ik/m kkant-d seg Tatoeba, ad ternuḍ ad tgeḍ assaɣ ɣer <a href=""></a>, u ad d-tiniḍ belli isefka n Tatoeba mmugen s <a href="">CC-BY 2.0 FR</a>.</p>

<p>Hatan umedya n tufkin yelhan :

<a href=""></a></p>

<p><strong>I isefka imeslawen</strong></p>

<p>Akurpus-nneɣ ameslaw deg-s tasellumt wissiεen ugar n turagin ur neqqim kan deg  tin n CC-BY. Ilaq ihi ad terreḍ mliḥ ddhen ɣer umeslaw i tesseqdaceḍ, ladɣa ma yella usenfaṛ/asnas-ik/m d win n tnezzut.</p>

<p>Tzemreḍ ad tmuqleḍ turagt n yal asekles ameslaw s yifuyla i d-nessufuɣ s yisem "Tifyar yesεan imeslawen" deg usebter-nneɣ <a href="">Isidren</a>.</p>

<p>La k/em-nettwellih ad d-tbedreḍ isem useqdac n yal aεeggal iwumi tesqedceḍ ameslaw-is, akked turagt i xtaren.</p>

<p>Hatan umedya n tufkin :</p>

<pre><code>Imeslawen akk ttekken-d seg Tatoeba (, swaswa, sɣur iεeggalen-a n Tatoeba : 

   - AseqdacA (turagt : CC-BY-SA)

   - AseqdacB (turagt : CC-BY-NC)
   - AseqdacC (turagt : CC-BY)


<h2 id="where-can-i-download-tatoeba's-audio-data?">Anda i zemreɣ ad d-ssadreɣ isefka imeslawen?</h2>

<p>Tura akka, yella yiwen n webrid kan i usader n yimeslawen, ilaq ad d-tawiḍ yal afaylu umslaw weḥd-s. Ur nesεi ara afaylu ameqqran ZIP ideg llan akk yimeslawen-nneɣ.</p>

<p>Nesεa yiwen kan n ufaylu ZIP i teglizit, iwumi qqaren <a href=""></a>, d afaylu n 3,8 GB i d-neslul deg wember 2017 mi ɣ-t-id-yessuter usenfaṛ Common Voice yebɣan ad d-yebder isefka-nneɣ deg usebter-is <a href="">Datasets</a>.</p>

<p>Ma tebɣiḍ kra ileqmen ugar neɣ s tutlayin nniḍen, ilaq ad tgeḍ iskripten,  s useqdec n yifuyla n usebter-nneɣ <a href="">Isidiren</a>, swaswa, deg teḥricin-a :</p>

<li>" Tifyar yesεan imeslawen" : akken ad tesεuḍ asulay n tefyar akk yesεa imeslawen</li>

<li>"Tifyar" : akken ad teẓreḍ acu d tutlayt n yal tafyirt</li>

<p>Mi ifat tesεiḍ tutlayt d usulay, URL iss ara d-tessadreḍ afaylu umeslaw d 


<p>I umday :

<a href=""></a></p>

<p>Tamawt : ma tettedduḍ ad tesqedceḍ isefka-ya deg yiwen seg isenfaṛen/isnasen-ik/m, err turagt-a di lbal-ik/m, ma ulac aɣilif!</p>

<h2 id="how-can-i-download-all-sentences-and-translations-">Amek zemreɣ ad d-ssadreɣ tifyar d tsuqilin i d-qesdeɣ?</h2>

<p>Seg usebter n <a href="">Isidren</a>,  tzemreḍ ad d-tessadreḍ akk tefyar s tutlayin akk, neɣ tifyar s tutlayt i tebɣiḍ. Tzemreḍ daɣen ad d-tessadreḍ assaɣen n tsuqilin n tefyar akk. Maca aya ahat d ayen ur k/em-nneffeε ala ma tessneḍ-as i tira s wangal.</p>

<p>Deg usmel <a href="">ManyThings.or</a>, ad tafeḍ tigrummiwin n tefyar s teglizit d tsuqilin-nsent ɣer tutlayin-iḍen, i d-ijmeε yiwen uεeggal n Tatoeba.</p>

<p>Ma tessneḍ-as i uẓrag s wangal n Python, tzemreḍ ad tesqedceḍ asenfaṛ <a href="">Tatoeba Playground</a> deg GitHub akken ad d-tawiḍ tifyar d tsuqilin yeddan d tewtilin i tebɣiḍ.</p>

<p>Ahat ad tizmireḍ daɣen ad d-tafeḍ iskripten ixeddmen yakan ayen tebɣiḍ. Haten-a kra n yimedyaten unadi deg Google i tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ akken ad d-tafeḍ iskripten-a :</p>

<li><a href="">script tatoeba csv</a></li>

<li><a href="">script extract tatoeba translations</a></li>

<p>Tzemreḍ daɣen ad tmuqleḍ <a href="">lxiḍ-nneɣ umeslay Google icudden</a>.  Ma turiḍ kra n uskript i tebɣiḍ ad tebḍuḍ, ɣas azen-d tiririt i lxiḍ-a.</p>


<h3 id="related-articles">Imagraden icudden</h3>

<a href="quick-start">Amnir n webdaw uzrib</a>
<a href="guidelines">Ilugan d tewlihin</a>


<a href="">Uɣal ɣer</a>

version at: 9/7/2020 2:23 n tmeddit

<p><a href="">Uɣal ɣer</a></p>

<h1 id="faq">Isteqsiyen i d-yettuɣalen</h1>

<h2 id="what-should-i-do-if-i-have-trouble-logging-in?">Amek ilaq ad geɣ ma ur ssawḍeɣ ara ad qqneɣ?</h2>

<p>Ԑreḍ ad tettekkiḍ ɣef "Cfu fell-i" uqbel ad teskecmeḍ isem-ik/m n useqdac d wawal-ik/m uffir. Ma tettmagareḍ-d dima uguren n tuqqna deg temhelt-a, εreḍ ad tsefḍeḍ tazarkatut d yinagan n tuqqna. Aten-a kra n yemniren :</p>

<li><a href="">Google Chrome</a></li>

<li><a href="">Mozilla Firefox</a></li>

<li><a href="">Safari</a></li>

<p>Ma mazal tesεiḍ uguren, azen-d imayl i terbaεt n Tatoeba (, ini-d acu-t yiminig-ik/m tefkeḍ-d ttfaṣil-iḍen izemren ad ilin d ixutar.</p>

<h2 id="why-are-some-translations-in-grey?">Iwacu i d-ttbinent kra n tsuqilin s uciban?</h2>

<p>Tisuqilin ticibanin d tisuqilin tirusridin. Meḥsub d tisuqilin n tsuqilin, mačči d tisuqilin n tefyirt tagejdant (tafyirt tagejdant tura s yisekkilen imeqqranen).</p>

<p>Neskan-itent-id acku zemrent ad nefεent, maca ilaq ad tḥadreḍ, zemren yinumak-nsent ad mgirden ɣef win n tefyirt tanaṣlit. </p>

<h2 id="when-a-sentence-has-several-possible-translations,">Ma tella tefyirt tezmer ad tesεu aṭas n tsuqilin, zemreɣ ad d-ssuqleɣ s tsuqilin-nni merra?</h2>

<p>Akken i k/m-yehwa kan.</p>

<p>Ma twalaḍ tella kra n tsuqilt ara yelhun ugar, d tin kan i tzemreḍ ad ternuḍ. Ma twalaḍ tif xir ma terniḍ akk tisuqilin, tzemreḍ ad ternuḍ tisuqilin akk izemren ad ilint.</p>

<p>Ma twalaḍ tisuqilin-nni yakk sεant inumak maca tεeddzeḍ ad tent-ternuḍ yal tikelt (iban akken ara tili) ihi xtir s ugacur kan, neɣ ẓer kečč/kemm anti tisuqilin i tesmenyifeḍ i tmerniwt.</p>

<p>Ur neḥwaǧ ara ad tili <em>yal</em> tafyirt tettwasuqel s <em>yal</em> talɣa izemren ad tili. Acu d axatar ɣer ɣur-neɣ, d akurpus <em>s umata-s</em> i ilaqen ad d-yejmel akk talɣiwin izemren ad ilint. </p>

<p>Amedya, yella deg teglizit wawal "you", dɣa awal-a yezmer ad yettwasuqel s waṭas iberdan deg tutlayin-iḍen. I tin usishel, ad neddem snat n talɣiwin, tin n wasuf, d tin n usget. Deg tegnit am ta, nebɣa kan ad netḥeqq belli, ma drus, tettwasuqel yiwet n tefyirt deg talɣa n wasuf u ma drus tettwasuqel yiwet n tefyirt deg talɣa n usget. Ihi ma tufiḍ yiwen ur d-yessuqel s talɣa n wasuf, tzemreḍ ad tt-id-ternuḍ (akken daɣen ma d talɣa n usget). Ma tufiḍ tella talɣa ur newwi lḥeqq-is akken ilaq zdat tayeḍ, tzemreḍ ad tesnirfeḍ talɣa-nni ixuṣṣen, akken ara yili lmizan yelhan gar-asent.</p>

<h2 id="why-do-i-not-see-all-the-translations-i-expect-to-">Iwacu ur ẓerreɣ ara tisuqilin akk i nwiɣ ad ẓreɣ?</h2>

<p>Ma tuɣ tgiḍ amazrar n yengalen n tutlayt deg iɣewwaren-ik/m, Tatoeba ur d-yeskan ala tisuqilin yellan s tutlayin i tεeyyneḍ. Eǧǧ iger d ilem ma tebɣiḍ ad d-banent tsuqilin s tutlayin akk.</p>

<h2 id="why-are-some-sentences-in-red?">Iwacu i d-ttbinent kra n tsuqilin s uzeggaɣ?</h2>

<p>Tifyar tizeggaɣin d tid ur nettwaqbel. Ad yili ur qudrent ara izerfan umeskar neɣ deg-sent aɣbel-iḍen.</p>

<p>Ur ilaq ara ad tent-tessuqleḍ.</p>

<h2 id="a-sentence-is-not-marked-with-the-right-language.-">Tella tefyirt ur necriḍ s tutlayt ilaqen. Amek zemreɣ ad tt-seggmeɣ?</h2>

<p>Ma d agrudem-nni yezwaren i tesseqdaceḍ, tekki ɣef teyqunt n tutlayt (s umata, d annay) tekki deg zelmeḍ n tefyirt tferneḍ tutlayt iwulmen deg umuɣ imebren. Ma d agrudem amaynu i tesseqdaceḍ, tekki ɣef "ẓreg" (ɣur ustilu-nni). Ma ur teẓriḍ ara ma d agrudem aqdim neɣ ajdid i tesseqdceḍ, kcem ɣer usebter-ik/m "Iɣewwaren" tmuqleḍ ma termed textirt yellan ɣer tama n uḍris "Ssken-d tifyar s ugrudem amaynu". </p>

<h2 id="how-can-i-add-tags-to-a-sentence?">Amek zemreɣ ad rnuɣ iṭagen i tefyirt?</h2>

<p>Akken ad ternuḍ iṭagen, ilaq ad tiliḍ d imtekki amusnaw.</p>

<p>&gt; <a href="">Ẓer amagrad : imtekkiyen imusnawen</a></p>

<h2 id="how-can-i-request-a-new-language?">Amek zemreɣ ad d-ssutreɣ tutlayt tamaynut?</h2>

<p>=&gt; <a href="">Ẓer amagrad : asuter n tutlayt tamaynut</a></p>

<h2 id="when-contributing-in-chinese,-should-i-use-simplif">Ma ttekkaɣ s tcinwat, ilaq-iyi ad sqedceɣ isekkilen iḥerfiyen neɣ imensayen?</h2>

<p>Tzemreḍ ad tesqedceḍ wid i k/m-yehwan. Nesεa ttawil ara yerren isekkilen iḥerfiyen d imensayen neɣ imensayen d iḥerfiyen s wudem awurman.</p>

<p>Akken ara tiliḍ tesnirimeḍ tifyar, ma tesbudaḍ tafyirt tacinwat d tin i d tagejdant, ad twaliḍ tayqunt d zzyada nnig tefyirt.</p>

<img src="" alt="traditional">imensayen</li>

<img src="" alt="simplified">iḥerfiyen</li>

<p>Ddaw yal tafyirt tacinwat, ad twaliḍ daɣen tira-s s upinyin, ma seddaw upinyin-nni d talɣa-s taḥerfit neɣ tamensayt.</p>

<p>Tzemreḍ ad tesnirmeḍ tifyar n tcinwat akken ad teẓreḍ amek i gant.</p>

<h2 id="how-do-i-delete-my-account?">Amek zemreɣ ad kkseɣ amiḍan-iw?</h2>

<p>=&gt; <a href="">Ẓer amagrad : tukksa n umiḍan</a></p>

<h2 id="does-tatoeba-provide-an-api?">Yettak-d Tatoeba agrudem i usihel - API?</h2>

<p>Uhu, ur d-yettak ara (mazal).</p>

<p>D asḥissef imi ur nesεi ara lbenyan amedda iwulmen i usizdeɣ n ugrudem usihel azayez. D acu, ɣas <a href="">rmes-d yid-neɣ</a> akken ad ɣ-d-tiniḍ ma d ayen ara k/m-iεeǧben.</p>

<p>Skud rennun-d wid i ɣ-d-yessuturen, ahat ad yili kra ara nebdu, dɣa s lferḥ ara nḥess i wugar n ttfaṣil yerzan ayen teḥwaǧeḍ i usnas/usenfaṛ-ik/m.</p>

<p>Ssya ɣer din, d acu tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ, ssader-d tifyar-nneɣ seg usebter <a href="">Isidren</a> tebnuḍ-d syin agrudem-ik/m n usihel.</p>

<h2 id="i-would-like-to-use-tatoeba's-data-for-my-project.">Bɣiɣ lemmer ad ssqedceɣ isefka n Tatoeba i usenfaṛ-iw. Amek zemreɣ ad geɣ tufkin?</h2>

<p><strong>I isefka iḍrisanen</strong></p>

<p>Deg llsas, ilaq-ak/m kan ad taruḍ anda kra belli kra seg/akk tefyar-ik/m kkant-d seg Tatoeba, ad ternuḍ ad tgeḍ assaɣ ɣer <a href=""></a>, u ad d-tiniḍ belli isefka n Tatoeba mmugen s <a href="">CC-BY 2.0 FR</a>.</p>

<p>Hatan umedya n tufkin yelhan :

<a href=""></a></p>

<p><strong>I isefka imeslawen</strong></p>

<p>Akurpus-nneɣ ameslaw deg-s tasellumt wissiεen ugar n turagin ur neqqim kan deg  tin n CC-BY. Ilaq ihi ad terreḍ mliḥ ddhen ɣer umeslaw i tesseqdaceḍ, ladɣa ma yella usenfaṛ/asnas-ik/m d win n tnezzut.</p>

<p>Tzemreḍ ad tmuqleḍ turagt n yal asekles ameslaw s yifuyla i d-nessufuɣ s yisem "Tifyar yesεan imeslawen" deg usebter-nneɣ <a href="">Isidren</a>.</p>

<p>La k/em-nettwellih ad d-tbedreḍ isem useqdac n yal aεeggal iwumi tesqedceḍ ameslaw-is, akked turagt i xtaren.</p>

<p>Hatan umedya n tufkin :</p>

<pre><code>Imeslawen akk ttekken-d seg Tatoeba (, swaswa, sɣur iεeggalen-a n Tatoeba : 

   - AseqdacA (turagt : CC-BY-SA)

   - AseqdacB (turagt : CC-BY-NC)
   - AseqdacC (turagt : CC-BY)


<h2 id="where-can-i-download-tatoeba's-audio-data?">Anda i zemreɣ ad d-ssadreɣ isefka imeslawen?</h2>

<p>Tura akka, yella yiwen n webrid kan i usader n yimeslawen, ilaq ad d-tawiḍ yal afaylu umslaw weḥd-s. Ur nesεi ara afaylu ameqqran ZIP ideg llan akk yimeslawen-nneɣ.</p>

<p>Nesεa yiwen kan n ufaylu ZIP i teglizit, iwumi qqaren <a href=""></a>, d afaylu n 3,8 GB i d-neslul deg wember 2017 mi ɣ-t-id-yessuter usenfaṛ Common Voice yebɣan ad d-yebder isefka-nneɣ deg usebter-is <a href="">Datasets</a>.</p>

<p>Ma tebɣiḍ kra ileqmen ugar neɣ s tutlayin nniḍen, ilaq ad tgeḍ iskripten,  s useqdec n yifuyla n usebter-nneɣ <a href="">Isidiren</a>, swaswa, deg teḥricin-a :</p>

<li>" Tifyar yesεan imeslawen" : akken ad tesεuḍ asulay n tefyar akk yesεa imeslawen</li>

<li>"Tifyar" : akken ad teẓreḍ acu d tutlayt n yal tafyirt</li>

<p>Mi ifat tesεiḍ tutlayt d usulay, URL iss ara d-tessadreḍ afaylu umeslaw d 


<p>I umday :

<a href=""></a></p>

<p>Tamawt : ma tettedduḍ ad tesqedceḍ isefka-ya deg yiwen seg isenfaṛen/isnasen-ik/m, err turagt-a di lbal-ik/m, ma ulac aɣilif!</p>

<h2 id="how-can-i-download-all-sentences-and-translations-">Amek zemreɣ ad d-ssadreɣ tifyar d tsuqilin i d-qesdeɣ?</h2>

<p>Seg usebter n <a href="">Isidren</a>,  tzemreḍ ad d-tessadreḍ akk tefyar s tutlayin akk, neɣ tifyar s tutlayt i tebɣiḍ. Tzemreḍ daɣen ad d-tessadreḍ assaɣen n tsuqilin n tefyar akk. Maca aya ahat d ayen ur k/em-nneffeε ala ma tessneḍ-as i tira s wangal.</p>

<p>Deg usmel <a href="">ManyThings.or</a>, ad tafeḍ tigrummiwin n tefyar s teglizit d tsuqilin-nsent ɣer tutlayin-iḍen, i d-ijmeε yiwen uεeggal n Tatoeba.</p>

<p>Ma tessneḍ-as i uẓrag s wangal n Python, tzemreḍ ad tesqedceḍ asenfaṛ <a href="">Tatoeba Playground</a> deg GitHub akken ad d-tawiḍ tifyar d tsuqilin yeddan d tewtilin i tebɣiḍ.</p>

<p>Ahat ad tizmireḍ daɣen ad d-tafeḍ iskripten ixeddmen yakan ayen tebɣiḍ. Haten-a kra n yimedyaten unadi deg Google i tzemreḍ ad tgeḍ akken ad d-tafeḍ iskripten-a :</p>

<li><a href="">script tatoeba csv</a></li>

<li><a href="">script extract tatoeba translations</a></li>

<p>Tzemreḍ daɣen ad tmuqleḍ <a href="">lxiḍ-nneɣ umeslay Google icudden</a>.  Ma turiḍ kra n uskript i tebɣiḍ ad tebḍuḍ, ɣas azen-d tiririt i lxiḍ-a.</p>


<h3 id="related-articles">Imagraden icudden</h3>

<a href="quick-start">Amnir n webdaw uzrib</a>

<a href="guidelines">Ilugan d tewlihin</a>


<a href="">Uɣal ɣer</a>


The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version. The lines in red are those that have been removed.